J-13 before the big departure!
- plane ticket - check!
- 1 year working visa - check!
- work, housing, health insurance upon arrival - check!
- randomly looking at blogs of current expatriates - check!
- luggage packed - in process...
As many of you already know, I am moving to Jakarta, Indonesia on August 30th 2010 to start a teaching position at the lycée international français Louis-Charles Damais.
I will be sharing my time between a bilingual PS class and elementary level students to whom I will be teaching English. Indeed the lycée is offering more and more bilingual education to its students. Classes are taught my 2 teachers (a french speaking and a english speaking) and follow the national french curriculum.
For those who'd like to learn more about this program, please refer to the pdf address below:
It is definitely a "dream come true" and feel very fortunate to have been given such an interesting job in such an exotic environment. I am also grateful for my two years spent at the French American school of Portland, Oregon and its AMAZING teachers, aides, staff and friends that encouraged and motivated me to pursue a career in education.
It is my desire to keep up a blog during my time in Jakarta. I cannot wait to write about my crazy experience and what it feels like for a 24 year old, French-American young woman to be living in the twelfth-largest city in the world. I also intend to write in English which I hope will not cause to much comprehension trouble for all my fellow French family and friends out there. :)